Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Medicated Kids: Drugstore Trends

In America these days, parents seem to subscribe to the idea that their child has Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) at the drop of a hat. It is far easier to medicate, than to really look at and address the root of these problems.

It couldn't be that the curriculum is boring, or all based on standardized testing and not on actual absorption or progress, only regurgitation. It couldn't be that watching television as a main mode of entertainment as a young child, which is a constant and easy influx of visual and auditory information, affects the capability of slowing down enough to read a book, a different sort of input that requires a bit more engaged effort than sitting down in front of a television screen. It is more likely that your child is in need of some pills.

According to KidSource.com:
Frequently, bright children have been referred to psychologists or pediatricians because they exhibited certain behaviors (e.g., restlessness, inattention, impulsivity, high activity level, day-dreaming) commonly associated with a diagnosis of ADHD. Almost all of these behaviors, however, might be found in bright, talented, creative, gifted children. Until now, little attention has been given to the similarities and differences between the two groups, thus raising the potential for misidentification in both areas-giftedness and ADHD.


The principal characteristics of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. ADD and ADHD (H for Hyperactivity) are both serious diseases--when they are.

There are better and healthier options for treating your child's ADD, beginning with a strong family environment and a focus on healthy behaviors and goals. Until recently, no studies systemically examined the long-term effects of drugs on children, such as Ritalin and amphetamines (Dexedrine and Adderall). Some of the side effects of these drugs can be profound. They can be a greater threat to a child's health than most, if not all, ADD symptoms

(The ADD Answer: How to Help Your Child Now by Dr. Frank Lawlis)

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